Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kids' Health - What Causes Seizures in Children ?

In the country, seizures affect 1 in every 250 children. Depending on the age of the child, these attacks can manifest in different ways. Some of them are very subtle such as when the child stares blankly at a fixed place, or when a big jolt happens that involve the entire body. Some of these manifestations can also be very vigorous, and they may involve repetitive shaking of the whole body. These manifestations can be short-lived, but they can also last more than 5 minutes.

1. Fever
Seizures are a relatively common problem in children especially those between the ages of 1 and 6. These attacks last around 5 minutes, and their manifestations include shaking of the hands, arms, and legs. Doctors say that this is but a normal effect of the fever, so it's not something that you should be worried about.
But even though this is the case, there are some types of seizures that need medical attention, so always be watchful of the signs and symptoms. For instance, if the seizure is not accompanied by a fever, or if it comes with a fever that involves only one part of the body, you must take your child to a nearby hospital immediately.
2. Severe infection
In general, anything that has an impact on the brain can cause seizure. So aside from fever, one of the leading causes of seizures is meningitis or infection of the brain. In meningitis, there is a buildup of toxins produced by bacteria, so the brain gets swollen. In addition to infection, a child can also get attacks because of head injuries and accidents.
3. Dehydration
If a child gets dehydrated, blood going to the brain is cut off, thereby leading to seizures. Also, dehydration can also trigger fever, which can result to attacks.
4. Brain tumor
When children experience attacks, one of the things that medical professionals look into is the possibility of a brain tumor. While we wish they never happen, there is definitely a possibility that they can happen.
What can you do as a parent to help prevent seizures in your children?
First, let your child drink plenty of water. Get him into the habit of drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday to keep him hydrated. You can also give him corticosteroids, or drugs meant to reduce the swelling of the brain. But aside from those, make sure that your child lives in a quiet and stress-free environment. Sometimes, extreme noise may trigger attacks.
To know more about causes of seizures in children, head over to

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