Thursday, December 20, 2012

Eat more , loss more weight !

eat more loss more

Hi , today we will talking about something good for who love eating , and also wanna keep there weight .
so there and steps they have to do and get a good weight and enjoy in the food .


1 - Eat low calorie foods 
Eating a low calories foods is very important thing , and the food with low calories like  cucumber, hot chili peppers, dandelion, endive, garden cress, garlic, green beans, zucchini, apple, look more for low calorie foods

2 - Eating more frequently and in smaller quantities 
That will make you more comfortable , and not hungry , by that you eat small because you are not hungry :) .
3 - For a snack, use only those foods on the list
 Don't worry, they are delicious!

4 - Exercise about 30 minutes every day 
All of you know the exercise , will burn a calories , so do it daily .

5 - Even if you are typically not hungry in the morning, eat something small 
Eat something small like a piece of fruit or even drink 100% fruit juice, that will give you an energy  for the day .

6 - Try to set a schedule for eating
Breakfast = 7:30am. 
Snack = 10am.
Lunch = 12pm.
Snack = 3pm. 
Dinner = 6pm.

that was a 6 steps , and i think all of you can do it , it's easy and good for
all who wanna loss weight and keep rating of eating .

do not forget to share it with friends and , add your comments if you have any
thing we will answer it , and add us to G+ +Green Apple  . 

thank you for reading and see next time :) .

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